Bconnect increased clients’ sales leads by 25% with Smartsupp
Mobile App
Bconnects’s Approach and Key Features Used
Live chat and Mobile App: Communication is Key
For just over 5 years, Bconnect has used Smartsupp to help them continue maintaining their excellent standards of customer support and communication. Bconnect built their own platform specifically to help service large clients like Volvo, Lexus, Land Rover, and Toyota, to name a few. With Smartsupp, Bconnect provides their clients a conversion increase of 25% to sales leads, on average, simply by applying the live chat. For some of the larger brands they work for, they even manage to generate about 40% of the total number of leads with Smartsupp live chat. And, it is also notable that Smartsupp’s customizability and ease of implementation offers a very big advantage other vendors don’t quite deliver.
The live chat also clearly outperforms whatsapp and Messenger chats–they find Smartsupp to be generally a more proactive product in terms of offering different ways to engage website visitors. The live Chat widget on Smartsupp provides targeting, which is not provided by Whatsapp and Messenger. Their clients can receive the conversation the next morning with a name and telephone number included without having to write it in the chatbox, so it is easy to generate a lead since the contact info comes by default. Because of this, CEO Rutger de Groot simply said, “Implementing the live chat is clearly a priority.” Furthermore, de Groot also said that “The simplicity of Smartsupp makes it the most effective solution for their clients. In the end, the most important parameter for us is conversion to a deal on chat, and how the widget operates for desktop and mobile users, which on Smartsupp is very good.”
API and Data Collection: Connecting The Right Tools for the Job
Bconnect often gets requests from their customers to learn more about the API. With the majority of their clients on the customer service side, they come across many opportunities to help improve the technology for their clients, so that each company can obtain the best results possible for their specific needs. A total of 160 of accounts of Bconnect’s clients are on Smartsupp, and since this number reflects around 60%of their customers, it is imperative to connect the specific tools each client needs via API to help them have the right tracking for their individual purposes. Currently Bconnect helps automotive companies set up an omnichannel chat platform integrated with Smartsupp, which thus far thanks to the simplicity and ease of use has rendered optimal results when compared to their clients’ competitors.
Smartsupp Mobile Widget: Staying in Touch 24/7
Considering the need for rapid and effective responses to their clients’ website visitor inquiries, Smartsupp’s mobile widget has proven to be very effective for their purposes. Bconnect reported a notable 18% conversion to chat on mobile, and this number continues to grow, which is excellent in their eyes. They found that the conversion to chat on mobile has been a big help to the overall conversion they are able to achieve with Smartsupp.
Visitor Ratings Tool in Smartsupp: Improve Customer Service
Rutger de Groot says, “As a sales person, you can proactively move on some topics before you speak with a customer to help secure a sale. Visitor happiness at the end of the chat is very important for quality control, and our clients choose Smarstupp, in part, because when you can get a simple rating system they can do much better quality control and prepare for upcoming chats with return visitors.”
Bconnect’s quality control relies heavily on Smartsupp’s chat-rating model. All operators derive their overall performance score for the chat service from the 25% of visitors that leave a visitor rating. After the chat ends, they get a small and easy pop-up survey that allows them to rate the chat experience. The other live chat solutions Bconnect uses also provide this feature, but in a less friendly way than how Smartsupp does it. De Groot said, “Smartsupp is more intuitive and gets a higher interaction rate.”
Achieving great results with Smartsupp
Some notable recorded results Bconnect achieved by using live chat and chatbots were: