The Groundwater Project

Online Platform for Groundwater Knowledge

How To Use Advanced Searches in Groundwater Project PDF Books

If you would like to search a PDF for all occurrences of a term or phrase, select Edit from the top menu, then move down the list and select Advanced Search.

This opens a box that allows you to type in any term, or phrase, to search for in the book. Check boxes located below the search window allow further specifications such as a case sensitive search. Finally, clicking on the “Search” button reveals all occurrences of that term/phrase within the book.  Clicking on one of the items in that list goes to that location in the book.

For example, a search for the phrase “isotopes” in the book A Conceptual Overview of Surface and Near Surface Brines and Evaporite Minerals provides the following result.

Advanced searches are a user friendly way to find related information in the book. For example, if a new term is encountered, a search for it will reveal its description elsewhere in the book. Another example is entering a name found within a citation in the text to quickly find it in the reference section.