The Groundwater Project

Online Platform for Groundwater Knowledge

How To Use the Navigation Pane of Groundwater Project PDF Books

Did you know that once you have downloaded and opened a Groundwater Project pdf you can navigate the book more conveniently by using the bookmark navigation page? To open the navigation pane, select View on the top menu, then hover over Show/Hide> Navigation Panes and select Bookmarks.

This opens the navigation pane along the left side of the pdf that shows the major sections of the book. If there are subsections, an arrow will be present to the left of the section title. A click on this arrow expands the list to show the subsections. When you want to go directly to a specific section of the book, a click on the section title in the navigation pane takes you directly to that section.

The navigation pane is a user friendly way to move from place to place in a our PDFs.